Good GREEN Habits

27 Ways to Greener Days

Green practices that help you and your family stay in the Green

  1. Window shades up for the solar gain during the winter, don’t underestimate the power of the suns solar energy to heat your home for free.
  2. Window shades down during the summer days will shield your home from the solar gain that will require an AC to work harder and raise utility bills
  3. Invest in quality window shades – Honey comb design with R-2 to R-3 ratings
  4. Install programmable thermostats and set them so your heating & cooling equipment work less while you are away
  5. Turn your water heater down to 130 or even 125, and set it on Vacation mode or 90 when your away
  6. Turn lights off more regular, possible timer use, or sensors in utilitarian spaces
  7. Replace incandescent and halogen bulbs with LED bulbs, both inside, and outside
  8. Install solar electric and or solar hot water panels
  9. Insulate and air-seal your home with assistance from MassSave and CLC
  10. Turn off any electronics if not in use (TV, stereo, computer, etc.)
  11. Set your computer to sleep or shut down after a ½ hour of no use or less
  12. Defrost freezers regularly
  13. Limit oven use on days you have an AC on
  14. Pay attention to lights and shades even while at a Hotel
  15. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle
  16. Conserve water
  17. Line dry your clothes when you can
  18. Use organic fertilizers
  19. Plant a garden and grow or purchase more house plants
  20. Compost or raise chickens, have fresh eggs and feed them your compost
  21. Walk or bike ride instead of driving
  22. Carpool; work, kids to school, kids to after school programs/sports etc.
  23. Combine activities to reduce daily driving miles
  24. Buy local
  25. Learn about Hybrid and Electric cars
  26. Use the VTA
  27. Share with a friend how you have taken steps to green